Why Choose Digital Permits To Work?
Is your business behind when it comes to digital permits to work? With the digital revolution in full force, there is no better time to go paperless and start saving all your important documents online.
Digital software can help your business create, sign off and file important paperwork like permits to work.
Here’s why so many businesses choose to use an online permit to work system.
What are the benefits of digital permits to work?
There’s never been a better time to move from a paper-based way of working to a digital one. Going paperless has numerous benefits for both your business and the environment.
Some of these include:
- Minimise your business’ carbon footprint
Rising CO2 levels contribute to global warming. When we continuously use huge amounts of paper for things like permits to work and other paperwork, we contribute to the rise in CO2.
The more trees we chop, the more carbon dioxide stays in the atmosphere. But by moving to a digital system, you’re able to minimise this use of paper, and do better for the environment.
- Get access anytime, anywhere with digital permits to work
When using a paper-based system, only one person can access the document at any one time. This can be a nightmare if you’re trying to work with people across multiple sites or trying to get a document to someone in a hurry.
With a digital system, multiple people can access documents in real-time. This means that people can get access to important permits to work anytime, anywhere.
- File and save documents more effectively
How many times have you been looking for a paper document, only to find that it’s gone missing? This is a common occurrence for businesses operating on paper systems, and it can often get them into trouble. Especially where permits to work are concerned.
With a digital permit to work system every permit is safely filed away, making it ideal for audits. Plus, anyone with access can pull up permits to work at any given time, giving your team a comprehensive view of their workforce.
- Speed up approvals with electronic signatures
There is nothing worse than business being held up because people don’t have the right to work. With a digital permit to work system, your business will be able to make important approvals with electronic signatures.
This can save you time and money as a business, and take the pressure off your people who will get frustrated if they’re held back because of paperwork.
- Customise your documents easily
Every business is different, and every site will have different hazards. These all need to be taken into account on a permit to work, in order to approve a person to work with certain risks. This means that every individual may need a slightly different permit to work.
Customising work documents isn’t always easy in paper form. You have to edit them, print them, sign them, scan them etc. There is so much that goes into it, that often businesses just use a template that never changes for their permits to work. This is not good.
With a digital permit to work system, businesses are able to quickly and easily edit forms to include specific hazards and risks. This can encourage a much safer workforce, who have signed off on the site specific risks.
- Prove compliance with an online trace
Digital permits to work make audits easy, and ensure that if you have to prove compliance, you can pull the relevant records up quickly. This is not true of paper based systems, which can fail when it comes to compliance. Paper filing leaves a lot of room for human error.
In contrast to this, digital permits to work won’t be marked as complete until both the employee/ contractor and the employer or manager have signed off. With digital permits to work you can prove compliance and ensure that everyone does their bit. No more half completed paperwork.
Businesses can gain better control of their site with permit to work software that boosts compliance and makes life easier.