
Dynamic job safety analysis form.

Beakon's risk management software Australia risk modules makes analysis painless and simple. Help text prompts users to consider energy source isolation, review dates and JSA expiry dates.

Effective risk mitigation every time.

Capture and rate risks with our inbuilt Risk Matrix to determine inherent risk. Then apply control measures and evaluate residual risk quickly and easily with risk management software Australia.

Hierarchy of controls embedded.

Our risk management software Australia is Ease of use and understanding of the hierarchy of controls helps to drive effective risk mitigation options which provide the best protection for your workers.

Key Features

Build and customise the high-level view of your risk registers to ensure you see critical information that matters to you at a glance. 

All aspects of your risk management are encapsulated in a simple and streamlined user interface, with centralised personal views based on your role, location, department etc.  A powerful workflow engine that sits behind this engaging interface will drive notifications, escalations and adherence with critical process steps. 


  • Easily identify new risks, conduct inherent, residual and target risk assessments establish casual factors and automate the review cycles
  • Standardise risk events, causes and control with taxonomy that will yi
  • Hazards and risks can be captured easily in the field and flow seamlessly up into your Risk Register as requires

Establish a comprehensive control framework in line with industry and regulatory standards Beakon keeps the User Interface intuitive and easy to navigate.  Embed your centralised master control library, allowing the alignment and assessment of controls relative to a number of risks. Link your controls to, incidents, assurance activities and control assessments to inform your internal and external evaluations and decision-making


  • Ongoing assessment of effective and ineffective controls
  • Audits on process controls can link into your register
  • Controls are linked to each risk to understand the residual risk levels and build around you best practise taxonomy

Document, assign and track a detailed treatment plan to assist in the implementation of controls and management of the risks on an ongoing basis. Compare against your defined risk appetite and current risk ratings to determine the treatment actions that are required.


  • Alignment with ISO 31000 Beakon automates manual processes for risk identification and continuous assessments. 
  • Trigger assessments as soon as KRIs or other indicators are out of tolerance for proactive risk mitigation. 
  • Automated process management. Swiftly notify risk and control owners about due or pending assessments and evaluations.

We make it easy to identify and report risks to different groups in your organisation. Approval processes help ensure endorsement of risks prior to their reporting. Comprehensive security structures mean access can be controlled to ensure sensitive information can be compartmentalised and viewable only to authorised users.


  • Role based access control allows appropriate granularity by level for each audience involved in risk across your enterprise

Our reporting capability includes Power BI reporting, in-built dashboards, custom dashboards and “dashlets”, custom PDF reports and standard reporting as required. Custom filters further provide detailed insight into your risk management activities at varying levels of the organisation. Visualisations can be used to assist in risk identification – they’ll help support the analysis of cause and consequence relationships to controls


  • Generate meaningful, real-time risk reports, heat maps, and dynamic, filterable risk committee dashboards – at the click of a button.  
  • Elevate your risk prioritization and mitigation efforts to detect and address systemic failures. Track aggregated and residual risks against your organizations risk appetite. 
  • Connect your risks to your strategic objectives to deliver valuable insights to the board.   Quantify program impact, identify gaps in your risk register, improve resource prioritization and refine your strategy to drive results. 

In dynamic and fast-moving organisations dealing with facts is critical. Key indicators can be established and linked to risks to assist in the validation and rating of risks on an ongoing basis. Analyse and explore risk impacts through the available quantitative risk analysis techniques.

In today’s world everything is interrelated and knowing what these are is crucial. That’s why our solution allows the establishment of linkages between every single element – know what incidents relate to your risks, which audits they have come up in, strategies that depend on a particular risk being managed or compliance requirements that mandate the mitigation of certain risks.


  • Easy-to-use risk assessment forms promote active participation, so risk owners can independently manage risks, controls, issues, actions, indicators and loss events.
  • Connect compliance, audit, and risk functions through a centralized platform for improved collaboration and increased visibility into organizational risks.
  • Bridge organizational silos to collect, escalate, and report risk data seamlessly, as well as manage mitigation plan progress and due dates across the business. 

Repeatable and reliable risk management.

Clearly recorded and effective JSAs can be cloned and reviewed for repetitive work, reducing duplication and rework.  Create best practice documents as a resource for the whole business.

Digital and embedded risk matrix.

Use the Beakon default ‘out of the box’ matrix or your own business risk matrix, to drive consistency in risk rating.

Accurately identify high-risk work.

Ensure high risk work is managed appropriately with early identification and management.  Risk Assessments help capture the need for permits and additional licensing.

Control measures with automated notifications.

Reminders and escalations for control measures helps drive action and close out prior to the commencement of any work.  Prioritise work by the due date and risk rating with risk management software.

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