
Turn Talk to Action

Create tasks, assign tasks, set due dates, and task requirements or instructions before you've left the meeting room.

Manage dispersed teams

Escalate open tasks, team collobaration keeps everybody on track and on schedule with task management software!

One task list - all modules.

Beakon corrective action management software lets you create tasks while completing an audit, reporting an Incident, or updating a risk register all without the need to change screens.

Continuous improvement through action.

Our Task Management software is built on a reliable framework, and can be customised quickly and easily.

Corrective Action Management Software Manage tasks efficiently and effectively.

Sorting your tasks by priority and receiving upcoming and overdue reminders keeps you focused in the right areas.

Support your planning process with task visibility.

Insight rich data provides a platform for strong workforce planning based on corrective action priorities.  Manage the overall workload with resources in the right areas.

Continuous improvement action.

Whether tasks relate to audits, incidents, hazards or risks, action management drives continuous improvement and reduces risk with auditable traceability.

Contractor Management Software

Driving business success across sectors

From streamlining logistics in transport to enhancing operational efficiency in manufacturing, our task management software is equipped to handle the diverse needs of various sectors. Keep track of your tasks, ensuring that your business stays on course towards its objectives.

Working with businesses for over a decade.

Single Source of Truth

Connect safety, risk, compliance, personalise experiences

Fast Time to Value

Ease of design and implementation at speed with high ROI

Scalable and Flexible

Solutions for any size company or industry

Success and Community

96% of customers say they met or exceeded ROI expectations

Microsoft Silver Partner
Top B2B
Google Partner

Our customers tell the best stories.


Coca Cola Amatil


Conoco Phillips

Equipment handling

CHEP Brambles





Why You Can Trust Us?

Genuine Customer Care

The best software in the world means nothing if our customers are not satisfied.  That’s why we prioritise customer service at Beakon. Our customer support team is here for you throughout your implementation and beyond. We listen and learn from customer feedback and continuously improve and innovate in response.

24/7 Customer support

Having team members in both the Northern and Southern Hemispheres to support our clients ensures we can provide 24/7 technical support.  We are available via live chat, email, our client portal and by phone.

Global service

Providing support where and when you need it can be complex when you work across the globe.  Our global partnerships and network means we are there for you, wherever that is!

Our Testimonials

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Frequently Asked Questions

Who can benefit from using task management software?

Task management software is beneficial for a wide range of users, including businesses of all sizes, project managers, teams working on collaborative projects, freelancers, and individuals looking to organise their personal tasks and projects.

What are the key features of task management software?

Key features of task management software include task creation and assignment, deadline setting, progress tracking, collaboration tools, customisable views, and integration with other tools like calendars and email.

How does task management software improve team collaboration?

Task management software enhances team collaboration by providing a shared space where team members can view, discuss, and work on tasks together. Features like real-time updates, comment sections, and file sharing within the software facilitate clear communication and ensure everyone is aligned on their roles and responsibilities.

Questions? We’ll put you on the right path



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