The National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Act 2007 (the NGER Act) introduced a single national framework for the reporting and dissemination of information about greenhouse gas emissions, greenhouse gas projects, energy use, and production of corporations.
The objectives of the NGER Act are to:
- Underpin the introduction of an emissions trading scheme
- Inform government policy formulation and the Australian public
- Assist Commonwealth, state and territory government programs and activities
- Avoid the duplication of similar reporting requirements in the states and territories
Corporations that meet an NGER threshold must report their:
- Greenhouse gas emissions
- Energy production
- Energy consumption
- Other information specified under NGER legislation
Reporting under the NGER Act
Greenhouse gas emissions and energy reporting is now established in many organisations but new requirements of the Australian NGER scheme may not fit easily into existing data management and reporting structures. Beakon software specializes in complex greenhouse and energy reporting, and we arm you with the logical expertise in refining emissions accounting methods and can assist in the following complex aspects of greenhouse reporting.
The NGER legislation allows organisations to report smaller sites as a percentage of corporate totals. This reduces the reporting burden on organisations that can often struggle with accurately capturing data from smaller facilities.
Beakon software allows users to report from small sites as a percentage of the corporate total and in the development of statistical models to reduce the number of sample sites needed. This can greatly simplify reporting requirements for larger organisations.